Thursday, October 9, 2008

Going Green From Young

Teaching young generation to appreciate the nature and environment is good action in order to inculcate in them sense of responsibilities toward nature. Pupils of Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Section 9, Shah Alam, were picked as Panasonic’s Eco Kidz recently. The initiative taken by Panasonic’s Eco Kidz by adopting school and its students recently can be a great example to others. Through the project the company intended to raise environment ­aware­­ness and promote conservation activities in local communities. Under the project, the students will be involved in educational activities including factory eco-tours, eco-education, recreation and eco-competitions. The project also involves planting trees in school compounds. Selection of the school was based on its efforts in environment projects, including recycling. Managing young people is easier than adult, thus we should grab this chance. Hoping that this effort will continue to be nourished in the whole world in order to produce sustainable condition.

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